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Collaborative law provides a way for lawyers and their clients to resolve disputes in a formal yet non-adversarial manner. This revolutionary approach encourages mature and cooperative behavior, and is a healthier, less costly alternative to litigation. Tier 2 visa sponsors

The collaborative law concept is most frequently used in the realm of family law, where families deal with such strong emotional issues as separation, divorce and child custody. Along with their attorneys and other collaborative professionals working with the family, husbands and wives thoughtfully plan agreements and resolve all issues with dignity and respect.

The process begins with all parties agreeing to work together in a constructive and reasoned atmosphere. The commitment takes the form of a written “participation agreement,” entered into by each spouse, in which they promise to negotiate in good faith and fairness, and to disclose all relevant information and documents. The collaborative law attorneys also promise to commit to the process, and will leave the process only if one or both of the spouses decide to pursue litigation. If that is the case, different attorneys must be hired to represent the spouses.

Then, couples and their attorneys meet in four-way sessions to work through the issues, often in a neutral setting such as an office or conference room. All issues are discussed – division of property, custody and visitation, child support – with the ultimate goal of coming to an agreeable solution.

Once a settlement is reached, attorneys file the appropriate paperwork required by the court. No court appearances are needed to obtain a final divorce or separation decree. When compared with traditional family law litigation, collaborative law is often a faster and less expensive way to resolve disputes